Monday 19 January 2015

A varietal Pinot Meunier Sekt bA

Although Pinot Meunier is one of the three well known Champagne grapes, it is somewhat of a Cinderella. Whilst there are varietal Pinot Noir and Chardonnay champagnes, 100% Pinot Meunier champagnes or traditional method sparklers are less often seen. (It seems that the maker of the champagne with all seven allowable grapes make a pure Pinot Meunier champagne too). So it was quite a nice surprise to see a Sekt bA made entirely from Schwarzriesling (German for Pinot Meunier) at the Winter Food Festival at the end of last year. This sparkler is from a specified vineyard and is a coppery pink with a few streams of fine bubbles. The nose was crisp with berry fruit and the acid prickle gives way to a sweet berry palate, well supported by an acid backbone.

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