Wednesday 31 December 2014

Taittinger Artist Series

It was entirely serendipity that I got to find out about this Taittinger Artist Series of champagnes. There was an importer's Xmas champagne promotion and I thought I might try and get a bottle or two of the 1985 vintage (that being the year of my medical graduation and with the 30th anniversary around the corner).There was this Taitinger Artist Series 1985 on offer at what seemed a reasonable price and so I bought one. I got a surprise when the above arrived, especially after I opened the box and took out the blue bottle.

Googling the Web yielded more information. The series was started in 1983 and the Taittinger Website shows a dozen bottles, with the date of the art bottle, which is however different from the vintage inside it. The above bottle was done in 1990 by Roy Lichtenstein, but the wine was from the 1985 vintage as already mentioned.

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