Tuesday 18 November 2014

A Regent Beerenauslese

I blogged about the grape Regent and a red wine made from it a couple of years ago; that example was a Spatlese. I have now encountered a Beerenauslese made from this grape, at this year's Wine Fair. This 2011 Regent BA was ruby with a very sweet fruity nose. The palate was sweet with berry notes with a leafy sweet backbone for support. Although there was no specific mention of acidity in the tasting notes, it could not be that deficient in it, as there must be some to prevent an impression of cloying sweetness on tasting. Although Regent is supposed to have a tendency to high tannins, it was neither obvious in the last wine nor this (that said, the "leafy" quality could be a manifestation of green tannins).

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