Friday 24 June 2016

A surprisingly "New World" Sancerre

I had this house wine at a family dinner at the China Club the other day. I was delayed and they had already started by the time I arrived. Often you have a glass of wine poured out for you, and one dives into the dinner to catch up and not hold anyone back. So it was a bit like a blind tasting. The one thing that was strange was the deep colour, but I would have sworn that this is an example of Sauvignon Blanc from Australia or New Zealand. Imagine the surprise when I went to take a picture of the bottle for record. Then again, it wasn't the first time when I got things completely the wrong way round with say Loire and New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc; I did it once at a tasting at the Club when the Loire wine was full of exotic fruit flavours whilst the New Zealand example was green and grassy!!

My notes for this Pascal Jolivet Sancerre 2014 was golden yellow with a sweet acid tropical fruit nose,. The palate was sweet acid and fruity palate, well supported by a nice acid backbone.