Monday 4 June 2018

Tasting the wines of Croatia

I had just spent the past week or so in Croatia, participating and speaking at the 25th FIAMC Congress (poster above). During the time, I had taken the opportunity to sample the wines of Croatia, few of which I had tried before. Currently in Prague for a short visit before heading home, I intend to sample both the wines and the beers of the Czech Republic, and we can see which country has the more interesting wines. (of course Bohemian beers are famous, but then this is a wine blog). So far I have tasted Frankovka (Blaufrankisch), Grasevina (Welschriesling) and Plavac Mali (a cousin of Zinfandel, which originated from Croatia) and they have all been interesting. Individual wines will need separate entries to do them justice.

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