Thursday, 16 July 2015

Three rascals (en Meritage)

Now things can turn out to be a big coincidence, but the above three wines (all Meritage blends) match the names (although all in different spellings) of my three children. If one was to confine the selection to Bordeaux and map Rafael onto Chateau Angelus (St Raphael being one of the Archangels), they are all St Emilion Grands Crus, with Angelus being Premier Grand Cru Classe (A) (in the most recent classification) and Magdelaine Premier Grand Cru Classe (B) (till 2012) and la Dominique being classified Grand Cru Classe.

Though a wine lover, I did not name my children after wines (unlike Hemmingway, who named a daughter Margaux after the first growth), but things somehow turned that way. As already mentioned above, one took an angel's name, another the founder of an important monastic order. Some would ask me why the name of a woman sinner was chosen (others would identify the name with a reformed prostitute) for a child, it should be remembered that the lady from Magdala was the first person Jesus revealed himself to on the morning of the resurrection!

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